2020 Calender Signing Event – Laurens, SC

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Saturday November 16 from 10:00am to 2:00pm at Tractor Supply 917 East Main St, Laurens, SC

Tractor Supply of Laurens will host a fundraising event for the Laurens County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Unit.  Our unit consists of 4 patrol dogs and 3 bloodhound tracking dogs. Partners with Paws is seeking donations to help keep the program running smoothly. Come join the fun! Raffles, bouncy houses, food vendors, K9 demos, and much more!

Your hometown four-legged sweetheart, K9 Sandy of Laurens County Sheriff’s Office is featured in the 2020 Vested Interest in K9s, Inc. calendar and will be “Pawtographing” calendars with her handler Investigator Robbie Haupfear.

Calendars available for $17 on site (cash or check).
Proceeds to assist Lauren’s County K9 Unit.

Photo courtesy of Scott Daigle Photography

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